Northend Greenway

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Northend Greenway Image

The Northend Greenway is envisioned to be a 2.5-mile shared-use path connecting people in north Harrisonburg with places they want to go. From Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community to residential neighborhoods, Eastern Mennonite University, Eastern Mennonite School, Downtown Harrisonburg, and more.  According to the Virginia Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Network, an average of 85 people enjoy biking and walking the Northend Greenway each day.  

The Northend Greenway is being constructed in multiple phases.  The City continues to work with stakeholders and funders to obtain the resources needed to build the remaining segments of the Greenway. 

PHASE INorthend Greenway map

Phase I of the Northend Greenway extends approximately 0.6 miles from the end of Suter Street, near North Liberty Street, to Mt. Clinton Pike at the railroad tracks. This phase was funded by City funds and matching funds from the VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. The Northend Greenway parallels Blacks Run for a significant distance and phase I of the path was accompanied by the restoration of Blacks Run along the path. Phase I of the project was completed in the Fall of 2019. 


A portion of the Northend Greenway, between Park Road and Virginia Avenue, will be constructed with the Mt. Clinton Pike Road Improvement Project.  Construction funding has been secured and construction is expected to begin in 2023.  Funding for this project has been provided by City funds and matching funds from the VDOT Revenue Sharing Program.


The Northend Greenway path will be constructed between Roberts Court and the existing path at Jefferson Street to connect these segments. This will create a safer and more continuous route for people walking and biking in this neighborhood. Funded through the VDOT Transportation Alternatives Program. Construction planned for 2025. Learn more. 


  • March 2011 - At the request of New Community Project, City Council amends the City Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan to include the Northend Greenway.
  • June 2013 - City of Harrisonburg and Northend Greenway steering committee complete the Northend Greenway Design Principles, which serves as a visioning document for the design of the shared-use path.
  • Fall 2013 - the City was awarded $600,000 in Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Funds and City Council committed a $600,000 local match for a total of $1.2 million for the Northend Greenway project.
  • February 2014 - the City awards Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc (VHB) to assist the City with engineering services for the Northend Greenway Phase I.
  • December 2016 - the City of Harrisonburg received an unsolicited proposal through the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act (PPEA) to design and construct Phase I of the Northend Greenway, and restore Blacks Run, parallel to the path.
  • July 2017 - The City entered into an interim agreement with Momentum Earthworks for design and environmental work associated with Phase I of the Northend Greenway.
  • September 2018 – City enters into a comprehensive agreement with Momentum Earthworks to construct the Northend Greenway from Mount Clinton Pike to Suter Street.  Construction is anticipated to be complete in Spring, 2019.
  • December 2018 - Construction on the Northend Greenway, Phase I began and is expected to be complete in 2019.
  • August 29, 2019 - Construction on Phase I of the Northend Greenway has been completed.  
  • September 4, 2019 - Ribbon-cutting to celebrate the opening of the Northend Greenway's official opening.  Held at the Suter Street intersection of the Northend Greenway.
  • October 24, 2020 - Arbor Day *Revisited* project.  Staff and volunteers planted 50 trees along the section nearest Liberty St.
  • June 21, 2022 - Funding is approved for the Brookside Phase through the VDOT Transportation Alternatives Program.
  • March 10, 2023 - Design of the Mt Clinton Pike section of the Northend Greenway was completed. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2023.                                                                                                                                         

PDF [295KB] Download Northend Greenway Map

Questions? Contact Tom Hartman, PE, Director of Public Works at