During archery season, archers may hunt deer in the city, provided they adhere to the following rules:
- The discharge of archery equipment may take place only on private property. Hunters must have the permission of the property owner.
- Archery equipment cannot be discharged on city property, school property, or church property.
- The discharge of archery equipment must take place from an elevated stand no less than 10 feet high.
- No discharge may cross any street, sidewalk, alley, or roadway.
- Arrows may not be discharged toward any building or dwelling in a manner that may strike it.
(Source: City Code Section 16-6-42)
The discharge of firearms to hunt deer is not permitted in the city.
Harrisonburg only participates in the early archery season and late archery season. Harrisonburg does not participate in the urban archery season.
More information on deer hunting regulations in Virginia is available from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.