The City of Harrisonburg is committed to adding bicycle and pedestrian facilities to new projects and to identifying opportunities to improve the bicycle and pedestrian network within the City. The Harrisonburg Public Works department works collaboratively on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure studies, planning, and the implementation of projects to help accomplish City goals to be more biking and pedestrian- friendly.
- Stay Current on Bicycle and Pedestrian News
- Sign up for the City's Bicycle & Pedestrian Notifications
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee - find out who members are, and review agendas and meeting summaries.
- Places to Bike, Walk, and Roll
- Harrisonburg Community Bike Map - resource to help bicyclists choose routes along city streets and separated paths to get to school, work, and around the City.
- Safe Routes to School Walk Zone Maps Archive - guides to help parents select a route for their student to walk or bike to school.
- Listing of walking and biking paths in the City
- City Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects
- Transportation Projects - listing of projects currently under design or construction
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
- Pedestrian Infrastructure Map
- Bicycle Infrastructure Map
- Planning & Budget Documents adopted by City Council
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Awards
- 2024 Commonwealth Connectors Award for the City of Harrisonburg's Friendly City Trail by the Virginia Chapter of American Planning Association (APA Virginia)
- Bicycle Friendly Community - Bronze Level
- Regional and State Resources
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts from automated counters
- James Madison University Alternative Transportation webpage
- Rockingham County Bicycle Advisory Committee
- Harrisonburg Rockingham Metropolitan Planning Organization (HRMPO)
- Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission
- Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC)
- Bike the Valley
- Policies & Design Guidelines
- City Design and Construction Standards Manual
- VDOT Road Design Manual, Section A-5
- VDOT Road & Bridge Standards
- FHWA Memorandum: Bicycle & Pedestrian Facility Design Flexibility, 2013
- FHWA Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding, Design, and Environmental Review: Addressing Common Misconceptions, 2015
- FHWA Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide
- FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- US Access Board, Accessibility Guidelines for Outdoor Areas
- ADA Standards for Accessible Design
- NACTO Urban Street Design Guide
- NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide