The Central Shenandoah Hazard Mitigation Plan (CSHMP) [25MB] identifies natural and other hazards that impact the five counties, five cities, and eleven towns within the Central Shenandoah Region. The identified hazards were analyzed to determine risk and vulnerabilities in the Region. The highest ranked hazards include Flooding/Dam Failure, Drought, Hurricanes, and Severe Winter Weather.
This Plan also includes four categories of mitigation goals and strategies:
- Local Plans and Regulations Structure and Infrastructure Projects
- Natural Systems Protection
- Education and Awareness Programs
The 21 jurisdictions of the Central Shenandoah Region were actively engaged in the planning process. The local jurisdictions shared their past mitigation projects and created strategies for future mitigation activities. The public’s input was gathered during numerous presentations and a region-wide survey. The results of the survey are included in this Plan. Included in the Appendices of the CSHMP is a chapter on Climate Adaptation and the new Central Shenandoah Regional Wildfire Protection Plan.
The purpose of this plan is to increase the resilience of all the communities in the Central Shenandoah Region.
Download the Central Shenandoah Hazard Mitigation Plan [25MB]