Disabled Veterans Real Property Tax Exemption

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Pursuant to Article X, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia, the General Assembly exempted from taxation the real property, including the joint real property of husband and wife, of any Veteran who has been approved by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to have a 100% service-connected, permanent and total disability, and who occupies the real property as his/her primary place of residence.

The surviving spouse of a Veteran eligible for the exemption shall also qualify for the exemption, so long as the death of the Veteran occurred on or after January 1, 2011, the surviving spouse does not remarry and the surviving spouse continues to occupy the real property as their primary place of residence.

The United States Department of Veteran Affairs must have determined that the veteran has 100% service-connected , total and permanent disability.  Documentation is required with the first request for exemption.  To request a statement from the US Department of Veteran Affairs confirming a 100% service-connected disability, you may submit VA Form 21-4138 PDF[401KB].  We will submit a completed signed form to the US Department of Veteran Affairs on your behalf at your request. 

The local U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs office is located at 1401 Franklin Road SW, Roanoke, VA  24011.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (1-800-827-1000).


When applying with Commissioner of the Revenue for this exemption the Veteran must bring:

  1. Approved and original statement of disability issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
  2. Photo Identification
  3. Proof of residence of occupancy - Voter Registration Card

Surviving spouse should bring:

  1. Approved and original letter of disability issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (in the event the Veteran was not previously exempted from local real estate taxes)
  2. Death certificate to confirm the date is subsequent to December 31, 2010
  3. A certificate of marriage from the appropriate State office of records
  4. Proof of residence occupancy - Voter Registration Card


PDF[180KB] Disabled Veterans Real Property Tax Exemption Application.  


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