HPD Policies

All employees are responsible for adhering to policy and keeping themselves current on the content of each policy.  Each policy should provide some detailed guidelines as to expected behavior and action.  However, the policy manual cannot address all situations that members of the department will encounter.  Therefore, common sense exercise of discretion is required in those situations.  The policy manual will be regularly reviewed, updated, and amended to reflect changes in law, best practices, and upon recommendations from staff and our policy partner, Lexipol.  Changes will be made to policy based on efficiency, the needs of the department, and the service provided to citizens.

PDF All files are in PDF format.

SECTION:  Organization, Management and Administration

Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives [12KB] Supervision Staffing Levels [12KB]
Organizational Structure and Responsibilities [59KB] Training [25KB]
Planning and Research [10KB] Auxiliary Positions [30KB]
Emergency Management [39KB] Explorers [25KB]
Written Directives [45KB] Retired Officer ID Cards [51KB]
Inspections [42KB]  

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SECTION: General Operations

Use of Force [30KB]  
Handcuffing and Restraints [18KB] Outside Agency Assistance [15KB]
Control Devices [21KB] Persons with Disabilities [34KB]
Conducted Energy Weapons [24KB] Community Relations [15KB]
Firearms [66KB] Bias-Based Policing [12KB]
Search and Seizure [78KB] Suspicious Activities Reporting [15KB]
Public Alerts [17KB] Immigration Guidelines [15KB]
Media Relations [15KB] Informtaion Technology Use/Electronic Mail [24KB]
Subpoenas and Court Appearances [41KB] Department Use of Social Media [25KB]

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SECTION: Field Operations

Patrol [18KB] Domestic or Family Violence [21KB]
Field Training [24KB] Hazardous Material Response [18KB]
Vehicle Pursuits [40KB] Crime and Disaster Scene Integrity [17KB]
Contacts and Temporary Detention [28KB] Incident Notification [14KB]
Arrests/De-arrests [39KB] Crisis Intervention Incidents [21KB]
Custodial Searches [18KB] ECOs/TDOs [17KB]
Summons Release/Misdemeanor Arrest [36KB] Medical Aid and Response [55KB]
Report Preparation [29KB] Missing Persons [31KB]
Traffic [36KB] Temporary Custody of Juveniles [23KB]
Traffic Crashes [56KB] First Amendment Assemblies [28KB]
Vehicle Towing [47KB] Civil Disputes [14KB]
Impaired Driving Investigation [40KB] Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Representatives [44KB]
Traffic and Parking Citations [14KB] Ride-Alongs [19KB]

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SECTION:  Investigation Operations

Investigation and Prosecution [56KB] Sexual Assault Investigation  [27KB]
Interview Room  [50KB] Death Investigation  [13KB]
Victim and Witness Assistance  [19KB] Child Abuse  [21KB]
Eyewitness Identification  [30KB] Adult Abuse  [18KB]
Polygraphs, Authorization and Use  [41KB] Hate Crimes  [11KB]
Operations Planning and Deconfliction  [24KB] Asset Forfeiture  [57KB]
  Brady Information  [13KB]

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SECTION:  Equipment/Technology

Department-Owned and Personal Property [19KB] Automated License Plate Readers [15KB]
Vehicle Maintenance  [60KB] Audio/Video Recorders  [106KB]
Special Purpose Vehicles  [60KB] Personal Protective Equipment  [21KB]
Mobile Data Terminal Use  [16KB] Body Armor  [16KB]
Shatterball Use [13KB]  

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SECTION:  Support Services

Property and Evidence Unit [113KB] Crime Analysis [13KB]
Records Unit [18KB] Canines [71KB]
Records Maintenance and Release [34KB] Incident Support Services [23KB]
Protected Information [53KB] Traffic Checkpoints [20KB]
Animal Control [51KB] Unmanned Aircraft Systems [18KB]

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 SECTION:  Personnel

Employee Arrests, Convictions and Court Orders [15KB] Payroll Records  [31KB]
Personal Appearance Standards  [15KB] Work-Related Disease, Injury and Death  [48KB]
Uniforms and Civilian Attire  [535KB] Communicable Diseases/Exposures  [18KB]
Badges, Patches and Identification  [13KB] Fitness for Duty  [17KB]
Commendations and Awards  [48KB] Wellness Program  [21KB]
Recruitment and Selection  [113KB] Temporary Modified-Duty Assignments  [17KB]
Promotions and Special Assignments [17KB] Outside (Off/Extra-duty) Employment  [57KB]
Performance Evaluations  [10KB] Lactation Breaks [10KB]
Meal Periods and Breaks [37KB]  

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