Building Permit

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A building permit is required for any new construction, alterations, additions, demolitions, accessory buildings, swimming pools, and/or other types of construction, which will improve or upgrade any property in the City of Harrisonburg.

How to Apply for a Permit

Online: Submit applications, track and pay for permits online via the LAMA Permit Portal. If you are a contractor and need a registration code, call the Department of Community Development at 540-432-7700 or email See the LAMA Guide for more information.

Via email: Permit forms are available below. Permit applications may be emailed to

In person: Visit us at Community Development, 409 S Main St, 2nd Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.

If you have any questions or need further information, please call 540-432-7700 or email us at

Design Criteria

Before Submitting a Building Permit 

Submitting a Building Permit

Posting of Permit

Inspections Information

Certificate of Occupancy

Additional Permits


Permit Forms - English

PDF[142KB] Building Permit Application Checklist 

PDF[159KB] Asbestos Questionnaire

An Asbestos Abatement permit is now required for any asbestos removal work. You may apply for an Asbestos Abatement permit on the LAMA Permit Portal or by submitting the Asbestos Abatement permit [136KB]PDF and associated documents to

PDF[410KB] Building Permit Application

PDF[23KB] Building Permit Impervious Square Footage Form

Permit Forms - Español

PDF[77KB] Lista De Control De Solicitud De Permiso De Construccion 

PDF[194KB] Solicitud - Permiso de Construcción

PDF[61KB] Cuestionario de Asbesto

Toda obra de eliminación de asbesto/amianto requiere un permiso de eliminación. Puede solicitar un permiso por internet o puede enviar el formulario para el Permiso de Eliminación de Asbesto [136KB]PDF icon a

PDF[91KB] Formulario Superficies Impermeables


Design Criteria

The City of Harrisonburg enforces the

Roof live load is 30 pounds per square foot minimum, non-reduced.

Roof dead load is 10 pounds per square foot, non-reduced.

Note: These are minimum design loads.  Loads exceeding these minimums shall require a registered design professional to address the actual loads.

Ultimate wind speed is 115 mph, frost depth is 24 inches, seismic category is B, and the ground snow load is 42.5 pounds per square foot.




Before Submitting a Building Permit 

PDF icon[99KB] DIY - Information for owners acting as their own contractors

Second Kitchen Installations - The City of Harrisonburg Zoning Ordinance does not prohibit the installation of a secondary kitchen within a single-family dwelling; it does, however, limit the use of the secondary kitchen. A second kitchen cannot be rented or leased as part of a second dwelling unit or efficiency apartment within the dwelling. The second kitchen shall only be used by a member of the family residing at the property and the dwelling shall remain accessible and free flowing, throughout; not enclosed as a separate unit. It is understood that installation of a second kitchen that is occupied and used as a second dwelling unit or efficiency apartment within the structure is a violation of the Zoning ordinance and punishable as a misdemeanor. Applicants interested in installing a second kitchen must complete an affidavit acknowledging that that the second kitchen is only for the use and convenience of the members of the family residing at the property.

PDF icon[280KB] Affidavit for the Installation of a Second Kitchen within a Single-Family Dwelling

Pre-approvals from City departments are required. Completed Building Permit Application Checklist [74KB]PDF icon must be submitted with Building Permit Application.

The Asbestos Questionnaire is required to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia and the most recently adopted edition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. It must be completed for all permit applications for existing buildings and structures, such as building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, and sign permits. It is not required for new free-standing buildings or structures.

PDF[159KB] Asbestos Questionnaire

If applicable, a copy of the Certificate of Asbestos Inspection.  All structures built prior to January 1, 1985, must submit an asbestos inspection certificate for buildings being renovated or demolished.  For exemptions, view the Virginia Construction Code, Part 1 Section 110.3. For information regarding asbestos abatement please visit Asbestos Abatement Permit.




Submitting a Building Permit

PDF[410KB] Building Permit Application - also submit required site plan, building plans, etc. described below. 

PDF[194KB] Solicitud - Permiso de Construcción

Required Information on Building Permit Application

  1. The owner's complete name, present mailing address, and phone number.
  2. The contractor's complete name, present mailing address, phone number, copy of state class "A", "B", or "C" contractor's registration, and city business license number.
  3. The appropriate fee, based on total value- including labor and materials for building, plumbing electrical and mechanical work. Checks should be made payable to the City of Harrisonburg.

The Impervious Square Footage Form is required for all building and demolition permits.

PDF[23KB] Building Permit Impervious Square Footage Form

PDF icon[112KB] Calculating Square Footage

Once an application has been submitted, it is forwarded to the Planning, Zoning and Engineering Divisions for review for compliance with zoning requirements and any site plans issues. It is then returned to the Building Inspections Division for final review, approval and issuance of the building permit.

Site Plan

Submit one (1) site plan. The site plan must include:

  1. A north indicator.
  2. The actual dimensions of the lot, drawn to a scale of 1"=20' and drawn to the actual bearings of the lot.
  3. The actual location and dimensions of any existing structures on the lot.
  4. The actual location and dimensions of any structures being erected.
  5. The actual dimensional front, side, and rear yard setbacks from the lot lines to the structure, including but not limited to covered porches, decks, stairwells, etc. Information on minimum setback requirements are available in the City's Zoning Ordinance. If questions, contact the Planning & Zoning Division at 540-432-7700.
  6. The actual square footage of the lot. 
  7. All required off-street parking. See Zoning Ordinance Section 10-3-30, Off-Street Parking for requirements. If questions, contact the Planning & Zoning Division at 540-432-7700.
  8.  Site Plan Example

Building Plans

Submit two (2) sets of the following, one set will remain on the record of the Building Inspection Office and the other will be stamped "approved" and returned to the owner or contractor and shall remain on the job site during construction:

PDF icon[58KB] Plans Flow Chart

  1. A floor plan for each floor drawn to 1/4" scale. PDF icon[182 KB] Floor Plan Requirements
  2. A typical wall or specific wall section drawn to scale. PDF icon[158KB] Typical Wall Section, PDF icon[654KB] Typical Wall Bracing, PDF icon[99KB] Typical Wall Interior
  3. At least two elevations of the structure drawn to scale. PDF icon[93KB] Typical Elevation Plan
  4. All drawings shall show the overall dimensions of the structure, the internal dimensions of each room located within the structure, and the dimensional height of the structure.
  5. All rooms on the floor plans shall be labeled as to their use, e.g., bedroom, kitchen, etc.
  6. All bathrooms and kitchens shall show the location of all fixtures and appliances to be installed.
  7. All doors, windows, and stairways shall be sized on the drawings.

Seal Required

An architect's and/or engineer's seal is required on all drawings for assembly, educational, high hazard, institutional, apartment, hotel-motel and dormitory uses regardless of size. Other uses not listed above may require an architect's and/or engineer's seal depending on the square footage and/or height of the structure.

Supplemental Plans

Supplemental plans may be required. Such supplemental plans would include, but not be limited to: Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fire Sprinkler Systems, and other supplemental plans as may be deemed necessary by the Building Inspection Office.

PDF icon[142KB] Foundation Plan

PDF icon[261KB] Truss Drawing Details

PDF icon[180KB] Truss Layout

PDF icon[166KB] Engineered Wood Products



Posting of Permit

The building permit shall be displayed on the outside of the building or premises, where it is plainly visible from the street, and shall not be removed until the building or renovation is complete and ready for occupancy.



Inspection Information

Following is a list of required inspections:

  1. Building: Footers, slab, foundation, framing, insulation, drywall, chimney, firewall, fire separation wall, final and others as necessary.
  2. Plumbing: Under slab, rough-in, service lines, final and others as necessary
  3. Electrical: Under slab, rough-in, final and others as necessary
  4. Mechanical: Under slab, rough-in, gas lines, gas fireplaces or logs, final and others as necessary

All listed inspections shall be scheduled by the contractor, owner, or owner's authorized agent. The permit number, address, and type of inspection to be made must be given to the permit clerk in order to schedule an inspection. 



Required Certificate of Occupancy

Once the final building inspection has been completed and approved, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued prior to any occupancy.




Additional Permits   

  1. In addition to the building permit, separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical work.
  2. For commercial work, a sign permit is required for the installation of any sign. (See procedure for obtaining a sign permit.)
  3. If desiring to do so, the owner may do the work if the proper permit has been obtained, and all required inspections are requested and performed.
  4. When submitting supplemental drawings for fire suppression systems, four (4) sets of drawings and four (4) sets of calculations are required.

Demolition, electrical, fire suppression system, mechanical, plumbing, roofing, and other permits related to construction can be found on the Permit Directory page

A full list of fees can be found on the Fees Directory page.




Questions regarding building permits can be answered by the Building Inspections Division at 540-432-7700.

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