Residential Credit Program

Who is Eligible

Residential properties are defined as any property on which a single-family, duplex, or townhome dwelling exists and is used for noncommercial purposes. Below are the Stormwater Utility Fee Credit Manual, credit application forms and appendix documents you will need to complete a Residential Credit Application (All files are in PDF PDF image format).

Apply for a Credit

Online Application option

Fillable PDF Application option PDF image [327KB]

Online Mapping Tool  

Related Resources

Practices Eligible for Credit



Credit %

Roof Drain Disconnection

50% of roof

Half of the roof downspouts lead to pervious vegetated area


Roof Drain Disconnection 100% of roof

All roof downspouts lead to pervious vegetated area


Rain Barrel/Cistern

Roof downspout(s) leads to at least one rain barrel/cistern


Conservation Landscaping

Dense, native vegetation covers at least 20% of property


Tree Planting/Tree Cover

New or existing tree covers 20% of property


Homeowner Nutrient Management and Lawn Care Agreement

Maintaining a good vegetative lawn without the use of nutrients or with strategies to reduce nutrients


Rain Garden

Roof downspout(s) lead to shallow depression designed to temporarily hold water to allow it to infiltrate into the ground


Impervious Cover Removal

Removal of impervious surfaces like sidewalks and driveways or additions of permeable hardscapes and vegetated roofs

Removes sq ft from billing area

Septic Connection to Public Sewer Credit

Connecting from a septic system to the sanitary sewer system since 2006




Renewal Process

Re-apply for credit after 5 years of receiving your approval letter.

Online Renewal Application option


Fillable PDF Re-Application option PDF image [255KB]