Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan

Bike and walk Harrisonburg logo

Harrisonburg's Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan provides a framework for enhancing the safety and attractiveness of walking and biking through on- and off-street improvements and public programs. The current Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan was adopted by City Council in April 2017.



2017 Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan

City Council adopted the updated Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan in April 2017. Review the current plan below:

PDF[25KB] Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

PDF[23MB] Bicycle and Pedestrian Appendix



2016 Update Schedule

  • March 23, 2015 - Project kick off at Bicycle & Pedestrian Subcommittee meeting.
  • May 19, 2015/ June 2015 - Public Workshop & public comment period
  • Fall 2015 - Stakeholder Focus Group meetings
  • Plan Draft Development
  • Fall 2016 - Public Meeting/ Open House and Public Comment Period
  • Public Adoption Process
  • March 8, 2017 - Draft Plan presented to Planning Commission
  • Spring 2017 - Anticipated adoption by City Council


2017 Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 

PDF[18MB] Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Plan Part 1

PDF[19MB] Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Plan Part 2

PDF[23MB] Bicycle and Pedestrian Draft Appendix

PDF[300KB] Public Comments


Public Comment Period on the Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan:  November 16 to December 16, 2016

The public is invited to review and submit comments on the City’s draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.  The plan is available for download, below.  A hard copy is also available for review at the Public Works office located at 320 E. Mosby Road.  Please submit comments, in writing, to Erin Yancey, Public Works Planning Manager at or by mail to:  ATTN:  Erin Yancey, Harrisonburg Public Works, 320 E. Mosby Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.  Comments may also be submitted through  Comments will be accepted until December 16, 2016.

PDF[340KB] Public Comment Form


November 16, 2016 - Public Meeting/Open House and Public Comment Period

A Harrisonburg Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Public Meeting will be hosted on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 from 5:00pm-7:00pm at Keister Elementary School cafeteria (100 Maryland Ave, Harrisonburg). This will be an open house style public meeting.


Fall 2015 Focus Group Meeting Summaries

PDF[196KB] Safe Routes to School, Youth & Families

PDF[291KB] Transportation-Disadvantaged, Traditionally-Underserved

PDF[239KB] Institutions: Higher Education & Retirement Communities

PDF[241KB] Business & Economic Vitality

PDF[249KB] Housing Providers: Real Estate, Development & Property Management


July 28, 2015 Presentation to City Council

Watch video of presentation

PDF[334KB] Memorandum: Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Update

PDF[440KB] Powerpoint Presentation slides


May 19, 2015 Workshop Summary & Information Gathering Public Comment Period

PDF[1MB] Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Public Workshop Summary 
PDF[18MB] Public Workshop Map Comments

PDF[340KB] Public Comments

PDF[11MB] Infrastructure Summary Map based on Workshop and Public Comments


May 19, 2015 Public Workshop

A Harrisonburg Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Public Workshop was hosted on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at Thomas Harrison Middle School, and a public comment period was open through June 17, 2015.

PDF[187KB] Comment Form. You may print and mark up the city maps below to help explain your ideas.

PDF[590KB] Workshop Flyer 8.5"x11"    PDF[574KB] Workshop Flyer 4.25"x5.5" (4 quarter sheet sizes on 8.5x11)




Additional Information:

  • City Biking and Walking webpage - Learn more about walking and biking paths in the city, current transportation projects, Annual Harrisonburg & Rockingham Bike-Walk Summit, design standards and guidelines, City Council adopted plans, and more.


Questions? Contact Erin Yancey, Planning Manager, Public Works Department at 540-434-5928 or



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