Downtown Parking Public Forums

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The City of Harrisonburg will present potential changes to parking in the downtown area at two upcoming meetings, and resident feedback is needed.

The forums, to be held Wednesday, January 22, in Rooms 11 and 12 of Harrisonburg City Hall, will focus on recommendations to address the future of downtown parking. The City of Harrisonburg and Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance are eager to discuss the recommendations with the public and obtain their input on which recommendations residents and visitors to downtown prefer. Meetings will take place from 9:00am to 11:00am and 6:00pm to 8:00pm, and the same presentation will be made at each forum.

Some recommendations the City has received through the process have focused on instituting parking requirements for new development in downtown, investing in improved wayfinding and technology systems to help drivers locate available parking, promoting shared parking agreements and investigating fee-for-use possibilities, among other options.

The recommendations were created following a number of public engagement opportunities held on the topic, including a community survey and a forum at the Ice House.

In addition to the January 22 forums, residents also will be able to take part in an online survey focused on the new recommendations. That survey will be posted online in the coming weeks.

Following the forums and survey, City staff will present final recommendations, likely in late February or early March.