Green and Cost Saving Tips

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Please use these resources as tips for a greener home!

Light bulbFor all over the house:

  • Trash and Recycling information for the City
  • United States Department of Energy - Energy Savers - Tips for Your Home.
  • Check for leaks and cracks in your doors and windows and install weather stripping around doors and windows to prevent drafts.
  • Close doors and air vents in rarely used rooms to save on heating and cooling.
  • Unplug appliances or items you are not using on a daily basis.
  • Use outlet plug covers - they are not only for baby proofing, but they also help stop the warm and cold air from escaping your home.
  • Replace your furnace filters on a regular basis.
  • Turn your water heater down to 120°F to save on water heating.
  • Swap out incandescent light bulbs with CFLs or LEDs.

DishesFor the kitchen:

  • Run the dishwasher in full loads.
  • Use a pot that covers the entire stove burner to minimize heat loss.
  • Cover saucepans - by using a lid on pans, water boils faster and energy lost as heat is reduced.
  • Microwave vegetables instead of using the stove burner. Not only is using the microwave faster and more efficient, it uses two thirds less energy than cooking them on the stove.

Washing MachineFor the laundry room:

  • Only wash and dry full loads of laundry.
  • Air dry clothes on clotheslines or drying racks.

For the bathroom:

  • WaterPut a timer in the bathroom and challenge family members to take short showers instead of baths.
  • Or, when showering, instead of leaving the water running throughout the shower, turn off the water while you lather or shave and only turn on the shower to rinse off.
  • Don't leave the water running while brushing your teeth.
  • Consider installing a new or dual flush toilet, which will use less water.
  • Install low-flow shower heads and aerators.
  • Repair water leaks immediately.

TreeFor the yard:

  • Strategically plant trees in your yard for a natural coolant.
  • Purchase or make a rain barrel to collect water to water your plants and flowers.

For getting to places:

  • Ride your bike! Not only is this good for zero emissions and saving on gas money, but it's fun and a great way to exercise! View bike commuting tips from the League of American Bicyclists. Also learn about biking and walking in Harrisonburg.
  • Use public transportation. Bus systemHarrisonburg Department of Public Transportation offers year round bus routes as well as seasonal routes. More information.
  • If you are driving, keep your car tires properly inflated and aligned to save gas and reduce emissions.
  • Be sensible - aggressive driving wastes gasoline.
  • Organize a carpool to get to work or events. Let RideShare match you with other carpoolers in the area. 


Go to our local Environmental Initiatives page to learn more about local "green" projects, organizations, and agencies.