Upgrade, Purchase and Installation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in Transit Buses RFP

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ITB/RFP Number:  2022006-PT-P
ITB/RFP Title: Upgrade, Purchase and Installation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in Transit Buses RFP 
Contact: Shane B. Smith, Procurement Manager



The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) by the City of Harrisonburg, Virginia (City) is to solicit sealed proposals from interested vendors (Offeror) to establish a contract for upgrade, purchase and implementation of current state-of-the art Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology on City of Harrisonburg transit buses. This will include several technologies used currently within the transit industry. This technology will assist management in decision making and will improve customer service which will in turn increase passenger ridership.
Publication Date:
 November 10, 2021
Closing Date/Time:

 December 15, 2021 on or before 3:00pm local time

 December 29, 2021 on or before 3:00pm local time (*See Addendum #2)

Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Meeting Date/Time:

All questions must be received no later than December 8, 2021 on or before 12:00pm (noon) local time

All questions must be received no later than December 17, 2021 on or before 12:00pm (noon) local time (*See Addendum #2)

Submittal Information:

Purchasing Office, 409 South Main Street, Third Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

*Any bids/proposals received after the closing date and time will not be accepted.

Bid/Proposal Opening Information:
No public opening for RFP.
Special Requirements & Highlights:
  • FTA clauses included 
ITB/RFP Documents & Attachments:
PDF [1.43MB] Upgrade, Purchase and Installation of ITS in Transit Buses RFP

PDF [723KB] Addendum #1 (11-15-21)

PDF [896KB] Addendum #2 (11-19-21)

PDF [743KB] Addendum #3 (12-03-21)

PDF [676KB] Addendum #4 (12-15-21)


PDF [82KB] Notice of Award (04-04-22)