Chicago Avenue Corridor Study

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The Chicago Avenue Corridor Study focuses on Chicago Avenue from Gay Street to Mt. Clinton Pike, Mt. Clinton Pike from Lincolnshire Drive, just beyond the city line, to Virginia Avenue (VA Route 42), and Park Road and Parkwood Drive where they run through the campus of Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) and Eastern Mennonite High School (EMHS).

The corridor study makes recommendations for traffic, engineering, and land use for the corridor, along with a series of conceptual engineering sketches that initiates further engineering design for future roadway improvements. The study was completed in 2013.


Chicago Avenue Corridor Study Map

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The Chicago Avenue Corridor Study includes following study area:

  • Chicago Avenue from Gay Street to Mt. Clinton Pike,
  • Mt. Clinton Pike from Lincolnshire Drive, just beyond the city line, to Virginia Avenue (VA Route 42), and
  • Park Road and Parkwood Drive where they run through the campus of Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) and Eastern Mennonite High School (EMHS).

The corridor is characterized by high traffic volumes, a lack of pedestrian/bicycle facilities, several skewed intersections with operational issues, and significant stormwater drainage issues.  Mt. Clinton Pike is also a very busy road that narrows considerably west of Park Road, and has a very steep hill approaching the county line.  The corridor is primarily residential; however there is an elementary school at the southern end of the corridor, a supermarket in the midsection, institutional uses (EMU and EMHS) at the northern end of the corridor, and several small businesses scattered along the corridor.

PDF[5.5MB] Read the full Chicago Avenue Corridor Study report.


Project Schedule

  • Corridor Study kicked off August 2010.
  • Public Meeting on April 19, 2011. See handouts and displays.
  • City staff presentation to City Council May 24, 2011.
  • Corridor Study Report completed February 2013.


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